Goodreads Giveaway

  Enter to win a free paperback copy of Finney and the Secret Tunnel. Click the widget below or this link.   Goodreads Book Giveaway Finney and the Secret Tunnel by Jamie Lane Barber Giveaway ends November 06, 2023. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway Booby-trapped tunnels. Secret societies. Puzzles. A buried secret. […]

How I Got My Literary Agent

I’ve been represented by a literary agent for a few months now, but never wrote my obligatory “How I Got My Agent” post. If you’re in the writing world, you know it’s a victory post for any writer who’s endured the query trenches. It’s meant to inspire and give others hope that out of hundreds […]

People to Learn From in the Trenches: Meet K.J. Harrowick

Today on the blog series, “People to Learn From in the Trenches,” I interview K. J. Harrowick. She’s a resilient querying writer, and she shares some query tips she’s picked up along the way. K.J. Harrowick is a freelance web developer and graphic designer who fell in love with fantasy worlds. This love continued well […]

Two Agents and Back to the Query Trenches

We have a special edition of “People to Learn From in the Trenches” today. K. Kazul Wolf is an author who has had two agents and is back in the query trenches again. As querying authors, we often think the goal of getting an agent is one and done, but there are many authors who […]

People to Learn From in the Trenches: Meet L. Ryan Storms

The reason why I think “People to Learn From in the Trenches” is such an important blog series, is that all of the people who are interviewed are dedicated writers. I love getting to recognize all of these wonderful people who put so much time and energy into their writing careers, even though they don’t […]

Author Interview: B.A. Williamson and The Marvelous Adventures of Gwendolyn Gray

Meet B.A. Williamson, the author of The Marvelous Adventures of Gwendolyn Gray, releasing May 2018 from Jolly Fish Press. Surprisingly, he came up with the idea of The Marvelous Adventures of Gwendolyn Gray when one of his students was kicking the back of his seat on a bus trip and he couldn’t sleep. Read his […]

People To Learn From in the Trenches: Meet Nina Fortmeyer

When you’re going through something difficult, it’s always nice to have supportive friends who can relate, and that’s why I think it’s so important to connect with other querying authors. Let’s face it, our books are our babies and when they’re rejected, it hurts. Since it’s a necessary part of the publishing journey, I’ve found […]

Cheat Code Cover Reveal and Excerpt

Today on my blog, I’m hosting the cover reveal for Cheat Code (2018 Immortal Works), a YA Sci Fi novel by Aften Brook Szymanski. Get a sneak peak by reading the opening passage. You can also find an interview with Aften about being a querying writer here. Add to Goodreads Opening Passage ‘WELCOME DONORS’ The […]

People To Learn From in the Trenches: Meet Aften Brook Szymanski

Some querying authors who’ve been in the trenches for a long while have some great advice to share. You don’t want to miss this interview with Aften Brook Szymanski. She’s a querying author who’s also been published by small presses. She has a YA Sci-fi book called Cheat Code coming out this spring, check back […]

People to Learn From in the Trenches: Meet Laura Seabaugh

Are you struggling with querying? You’re not alone. Next up in this blog series for querying writers to connect and learn from each other, is Laura Seabaugh. Laura is a graphic artist and self-professed fantasy sci-fi geek from the middle of nowhere, Missouri. She has been writing and drawing since she could hold a crayon, […]