I’m not usually the kind for opening up but here’s a little heart to heart.
What do you do when life’s problems interfere with writing?
You deal with them and just keep writing.
Recently I have gone through a lot in my personal life. I’ve been accused of spending too much time reading and writing and not giving my undivided attention to the people closest to me. There are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes to do one thing we sacrifice another more than we ever realized. I don’t want to look at writing as a crux though. I won’t make excuses for why things happen the way they do just so that I can sort things into a neat little box.
The reality is that writing saves me. It’s the only creative outlet I have right now. It’s the only time I can escape and be me. I have a type A personality, always bogged down by responsibilities. I’m also the type of person who over and over will put others before myself, often neglecting my own needs to make sure theirs are met. Writing is the “me” time I deserve…that everyone deserves. I don’t go out and have drinks with the girls or go out for manicures and pedicures just to get out of the house. Instead, I stay up late sacrificing sleep so that I can write. Every good thing comes with sacrifice. I have two part-time jobs and a young child at home so any “me” time comes with a cost. It means I’m more tired as I go throughout my day. It can make me less effective in other areas. But what I had to realize is that everyone needs a little “me” time and it doesn’t matter if that means a person is playing video games or going out with friends, or shutting themselves away in a room to paint.
We have to give ourselves permission to realize our deepest loves, heartaches, fallacies and emotions. That’s what my “me” time gives me. So what am I going to do? I’m going to keep on writing because that’s what a writer does.